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French Cultural Center Annual Report: 70th Anniversary Edition

French Cultural Center Annual Report: 70th Anniversary Edition


When Boston’s French Cultural Center reached their 70th anniversary in 2016,  it called for a special edition Annual Report. The Center hired Merry Perry Design to create a celebratory design that would bring recognition of the past together with a sense of excitement for the future. Merry proposed contemporary typography, a bold color palette and graphical angle element inspired by a typographic “7o” emblem. The design expanded on existing Center branding, highlighting a year-in-numbers segment, a timeline of Center history, and donor recognition listings. At the 36-page report’s core is evidence of the life of the Center: members and the public enjoying classes, amenities and cultural events such as the iconic Bastille Day party.

In the client’s own words, “The report is truly fantastic. Vibrant, energetic and dynamic come to mind when I flip through it, which is exactly how we want the Center to be portrayed!”

  • Client French Cultural Center
  • Date December 2, 2016
  • Tags >Print, Arts, Education, Featured, Photography

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