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BeneCom Site

BeneCom Site


BeneCom Associates, a major benefits communication firm, asked Merry Perry Design to refresh their site design to be more visually engaging and sophisticated… without changing the existing site text and photography. To establish visual goals that were in line with business goals, Merry led the client through a pared-down discovery session in which they analyzed a series of inspirational sites for reference. Merry then articulated design direction and resulting suggestions for color palette, web typography and treatment of existing content within a customized theme.

Other recommendations brought more prominence to the firm’s core benefit messages, “On Message. On Time. On Budget,” and added a brief service description that appears throughout the site to clearly differentiate BeneCom from its competitors. The result? A brand-consistent, easy-to-navigate site that inspires confidence in the company’s marketing and technical savvy. Merry collaborated with a developer partner, who built the site in Mura.

  • Client BeneCom Associates
  • Date June 1, 2017
  • Tags >Interactive, Business, Web
  • URL View Project

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