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“Charley Longfellow & The Civil War” Historic House Explorers Program

“Charley Longfellow & The Civil War” Historic House Explorers Program


The education specialists at Longfellow National Historic Site in Cambridge, MA created this web-based, database-driven learning initiative for eighth graders in the Historic House Explorers program. The intuitive program design guides student teams as they explore history through an investigation theme, interacting with site-specific primary sources such as letters, albums, objects and photographs. Student teams log findings in their Discovery File, Case File and Team Notebook, and get to know historical figures through the Scrapbook and Cast of Characters features. The design hierarchy also addresses the presence of multiple brands, including the National Park Service and Historic House Explorers, as well as specific houses, eras and themes.

[Partnered with Weber Media Partners]

  • Client Longfellow National Historic Site
  • Date August 10, 2015
  • Tags >Interactive, Education, Environment, Web