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Versatile Thinking for Identity, Print + Interactive

Thank you to all who’ve worked with Merry Perry Design over the years! It has been my privilege to help each of you, in some small way, find the essence of your organization and bring it to light.

I am no longer taking on new design work but look forward to new forms of creative expression, and new adventures to come.

Wishing you all the best,

Brand Identity

Strategy, logo, visual systems and standards, naming and taglines


Marketing kits, brochures, stationery, signage, educational programs, promotions and more


Web sites, interactive media and motion design

What Clients Say

“Merry is a great collaborator and a pleasure to work with. Her creative approach and recommendations produce quality results.”- Millerwood Communications
“Merry seems to have been born with highly functioning right and left brains. That means that while she lends huge creativity to projects, she also takes care of the details, organization, hard work and follow-through that make a project go smoothly and succeed.”- Storms Communications
“We do so many different things that it’s often hard to put it all together and make sense of it. Merry worked hard to understand how we tick and what our customers need. She ultimately put together a really fine brand identity and website that totally represent who we are to the world. Literally! We have increased our international business tenfold in the years since the site launch.”- Boston Light & Sound, Inc.